Sunday, May 15, 2011

Your Letters: End Time Nigh; Guns And Doctors

There was a huge response to a piece last week by NPR's Barbara Bradley Hagerty, who reported that a group of Christians believe May 21 will be the biblical Judgment Day. NPR's Greg Allen also reported that Florida is expected to be the first state to ban doctors from asking their patients if they own a gun. We also spoke with Shania Twain about her new memoir. Host Scott Simon reads listeners' e-mails and comments.

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Time now for your letters.

(Soundbite of typing)

(Soundbite of music)

There was a huge response to a piece on our program last week by NPR's Barbara Bradley Hagerty, who reported that a group of Christians believe May 21 will be the biblical Judgment Day.

Many listeners like Lawrence Farris(ph) of Three Rivers, Michigan, said the group wasn't worthy of any news coverage. I'm a Presbyterian minister, he writes, and I'm concerned that spending time on such a group comes at the cost of reporting on the valuable work grounded in traditional historic Christian ethics. Giving credence to the May 21 folks contributes to the trivialization of religion as a category of intellectual reflection and social change.

But Stephen Humuston(ph) of Boston says: Rarely have I heard a story so generous yet informative in discussing a religious issue, particularly one as potentially inflammatory as placard-waving prophets. Your coverage was informative and balanced, allowing the subject to describe their views without any trace of editorial snark or falling to the temptation of framing them as lunatics.

Also last week, NPR's Greg Allen reported that Florida is expected to be the first state to ban doctors from asking their patients if they own a gun. We received strong reaction from all sides of the debate.

Chris Anderson of Portland, Oregon writes: The new law in Florida preventing physicians from asking about gun ownership claims to be in defense of the second amendment, but blatantly tramples the first. Shame on the legislature and governor of Florida for going along with this hysteria. As a practicing physician, I could never abide by such an unconstitutional law.

Tom Garcia of Hialeah, Florida had a more succinct message. He posted it on our Facebook page. Stick to medicine and keep your stethoscope out of my gun safe.

And we spoke with Shania Twain about her new memoir, "From This Moment On," which includes accounts of growing up with an abusive father.

Ms. SHANIA TWAIN (Singer-Songwriter): There was a lot of violence due to the stress of not being able to pay bills. It made for a very insecure and instable environment for a child, which is basically what my life was for my entire childhood.

SIMON: Andrew Titon(ph) of Santa Barbara writes: As a marriage and family psychotherapist I co-lead groups for women and men recovering from the effects of growing up in abusive households. It is deeply healing for people to realize their story is not unique to them and to learn of others such as Ms. Twain who have suffered in similar ways and yet manage to break through this vicious cycle and succeed in their own healing.

We welcome your comments. Go to and click on the Contact Us link. You can also post a comment on Facebook or Twitter @nprweekend. You can send me a tweet @nprscottsimon.

(Soundbite of song, "From This Moment")

Ms. TWAIN: (Singing) From this moment, I will love you...

Unidentified Man: I will love you.

Ms. TWAIN: (Singing) long as I live from this moment on.

SIMON: This is NPR News.

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