Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Motorola keen to be part of any PPP for police radio | Mobile Bridge


Motorola has put a palm adult to build a radio network in a public-private partnership (PPP) with a Government that would be used by all state-sector agencies, though says it would substantially cost even some-more than a $150 million touted by military dual years ago.

Communications Minister Steven Joyce told a discussion in Wellington ? sponsored by Motorola ? that a Government was expected to go to proposal for a network during a initial 3 months of subsequent year, if a two-stage business box was authorized by Cabinet. The plan will subsequent be deliberate by ministers subsequent month.

Motorola Australia handling executive Gary Starr pronounced he accepted there would be a ?natural desire to buy locally? though a United States association could be peaceful to source radios from Christchurch manufacturer Tait Electronics. It could also potentially partner with digital radio network user Kordia or with Wellington-based opposition TeamTalk, whose arch executive David Ware has criticised a due common network as ?gold-plated? and a probable rubbish of taxpayers? money.

The military have already spent $52.8m on a digital radio network that provides secure encrypted communications in Auckland, Wellington and Canterbury. It is formed on ?trunked P25? record that is designed to support a vast series of coexisting conversations. Elsewhere, it relies on an analogue radio network that criminals can balance in to, to eavesdrop on communications.

Mr Joyce pronounced a analogue network was ?increasingly obsolete? and a Government had motionless to take a ?whole-of-Government view? about a deputy to get limit value for income and to equivocate duplication by state-sector agencies. Other intensity users are accepted to embody other puncture responders, a Conservation Department, a Agriculture and Forestry Ministry and a Customs Service.

Mr Ware has argued it would be some-more mercantile for military to use a lower-cost compulsory P25 complement that would still yield encryption and would be suitable for their possess needs, and for other agencies to continue to use blurb services such as a own. The association has offering to open adult a network to police, so they could use it to promulgate with TeamTalk?s business in emergencies, as required.

But Mr Joyce indicated a common network remained on a cards, observant he accepted suppliers had already begun to consider about a technical solutions, with a PPP one of a appropriation options.

Mr Starr pronounced TeamTalk?s interoperability indication would be ?very manual? and it would be easier for state-sector staff from opposite agencies to promulgate with one another if a investment in a common network proceeded.

Neither trunked P25, nor a opposition Tetra record customary used by Kordia, were gold-plated, he said. But in remote areas, a common network could still use cheaper non-trunked technology.

In a newsletter published in 1999 military estimated a cost of expanding their digital radio network national during $150m. Mr Starr pronounced that ?sounded low? to him if that enclosed all costs, including a cost of maintenance, spectrum and powering radio masts over 10 years.

He pronounced Motorola would be really meddlesome in being partial of a PPP, that competence meant it would financial a network and lease it to a Government for a monthly fee.

? BusinessDay.co.nz

Source: http://www.mobile-bridge.com/?p=17342

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