Objective: Ovarian cancer is the third most common gynecologicalmalignancy, but the leading cause of death from gynecological cancer,especially the epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). There are not signal shows inthe early phase of EOC so that the patients are always diagnosed in a laterstage. At present, the standard treatment for ovarian cancer is perfect surgery(cytoreduction) plus platinumbased chemotherapy,but the treatment effect isstill disappointing.The development of drug resistance is the major cause oftreatment failure and the side-effects of chemotherapy also should not beneglected.How to reverse the drug resistance and reduce the side-effects of thedrugs are still the hot spot of research nowadays.The characteristic treatmentof EOC in china is the modern medicine puls the traditional Chinese medicinewhich is increasingly popular in the world. Zedoary, a Chinese medicine, withthe function of resolving the mass and relieve the pain, is studied by manyresearchers.The Zedoary oil, the major composition of Zedoary, is showedmany effects,such as anti-virus, immune adjustment,anti-tumor and soon.Some researchs have turned out that the Zedoary oil can anti-proliferationof cervical cancer cells and the endometrial cancer cells.But when it comes toovarian cancer and the Zedoary oil,there are few reseachs and no reports aboutdrug resistance.The objectives in this article as follows:1?To observe theeffects of Zedoary oil on proliferation and the cell cycle in the human ovariancell line SKOV3;2?To investigate the role of Zedoary oil in the first-linechemotherapy with Taxol and Carboplatin;3?To investigate the reversal effectof Zedoary oil on multidrug resistance (MDR) in the Cisplatin-resistantovarian cancer cell line SKOV3/DDP.So that we can find a new medicinewhich has little side-effects but effective to cure EOC. Method:1?Cell culture?epithelial ovarian cancer cell lines SKOV3andthe anti-Cisplatin cell lines SKOV3/DDP were obtained and cultured. Cellswere grown in the medium with10%fetal blood serum at37?C in anatmosphere with5%CO2.2?The SKOV3cells were treated by differentconcentrations of Zedoary oil. The morphology of the cells was observated bythe inverted microscope, rates of proliferation inhibition were detected by themeans of MTT and IC50was calculated.3?The SKOV3cells were treated byZedoary oil on the concentration of IC50and its growth curve was made bycounting the live cells with a blood cell counting plate,setting a group ofSKOV3cells cultured in the conventional culture medium as control. The livecells were distinguished by Trypan Blue.4?The SKOV3cells were treatedwith Zedoary oil with the concentration of IC50for24hours and48hours andset the conventional culture medium as control.The cell cycles were examinedby the Flow Cytometry(FCM).5?Calculated the concentrations of IC50?IC40?IC30of Taxol(T) and Carboplatin(C) to the SKOV3cells respectively andgrouped into three groups:IC50-Taxol and IC50-Carboplatin(TC-IC50)?IC40-Taxol and IC40-Carboplatin (TC-IC40)? IC30-Taxol andIC30-Carboplatin(TC-IC30).Then every group together with theIC50-Zedoary oil treated the SKOV3cells.The inhibition of proliferation weredetected by MTT.6?The same way was used to detect the IC50of Cisplatin tothe SKOV3cells and the SKOV3/DDP cells.Meanwhile resistance index(RI)of the SKOV3/DDP was checked. The formula of RI was:RI=SKOV3/DDP-Cisplatin-IC50/SKOV3-Cisplatin-IC50.7? To observe theeffect of Zedoary oil on reversing the resistance to Cisplatin of SKOV3/DDPcells, cells were treated respectively with Zedoary oil,Cisplatin,Zedoary oiltogether with Cisplatin and set control with conventional culture medium.Result:1?Zedoary oil inhibited the proliferation of SKOV3cells remark-ably and the inhibition rate increased along with the concentration of Zedoaryoil in the medium, IC50=34ug/ml.2?Zedoary oil changed the SKOV3cells`growth curve,especially in the second24hours when Zedoary oil had the stro-ngest inhibitory action to the cells.3?Whether the SKOV3cells were treated for24hours or48hours, the portions of every phases in the cell cycle changedsignificantly compared with the control. In Zedoary oil group, the portion ofG1phase increased while that of G2?S phase both decreased (P<0.01).4?The-re was no significant difference between the group of TC-IC50and the groupof TC-IC50together with Zedoary oil IC50whose inhibition rates were bothmore than95%(P>0.05).But there was significant difference between the gro-up of TC-IC40and the group of TC-IC40together with the Zedoary oil IC50(P<0.01).The same to TC-IC30groups.Another compare among the groups fo-und that there was no significant difference between the group of TC-IC50andthe group of TC-IC40together with the Zedoary oil IC50(P>0.05).The sameresult was found between the group of TC-IC50and the group of TC-IC30t-ogether with the Zedoary oil IC50(P>0.05)5?The resistant index of SKOV3/DDP cells was9.97and it was qualified to be used in this experiment.6?Theinhibition rate in the group of Cisplatin is merely3.74%and there was no sig-nificant difference compared with the control (P>0.05).The inhibition rate ofCisplatin puls Zedoary oil was66.01%and that in the only Zedoary oil groupwas49.75%and there was significant difference between them(P<0.01). Boththey differed from the control group.Conclusion:1?Zedoary oil inhibits the proliferation of SKOV3cells re-markably and the inhibition rate is concentration and time dependence, IC50=34ug/ml;2?Zedoary oil stocks the SKOV3cells to the G1phase.3?Zedoaryoil can enhance the ability of Taxol and Carboplatin to inhibit the SKOV3cellproliferation probably.4?Taxol and Carboplatin together with Zedoary oil as achemotherapy to the EOC may cut down the dose of Taxol and Carboplatin.5?Zedoary oil may improve in sensibility of SKOV3/DDP cell to Cisplatin.
Source: http://www.res-medical.com/oncology/134759
quinton coples a.j. jenkins riley reiff david decastro travis pastrana aj jenkins shea mcclellin
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