Friday, May 20, 2011

Business Ethics

Marketing: Another way can pay under

There seems to be a surefire way to make the payment under Cause Related Marketing (CM). All things being equal, a large niche of consumers around the world (well, almost anywhere in the world) would rather do business with a company that stands for something beyond profits.

Because marketing is marketing that connects a company?s product for a particular cause or set of values ??in the hope that consumers who hold these values ??will be more inclined to buy the product as a means to support this cause. The point is to attract consumers who want to make a difference in society through their purchases.

It?s not about philanthropy in the traditional sense. Businesses have long contributed to a host of nonprofit organizations, but those gifts often go unnoticed by anyone but the recipients.

True CM involves a high-level partnership between a company and cause. Donations for the sale of tape, or in some cases, those corporate profits.

Businesses worldwide not only want to write checks to charities. They want to be involved and the reasons are not always altruistic. Companies use to give to charity because they were hunted and philanthropy was looking for a tax deduction. Now when they give, they want something in return. When properly executed, CM sells products, enhances the image and motivates employees.">If the company never seriously thought about whether it is ethical and corporate social responsibility issues, these six can provide guidance to start the process.

Although it is important to behave ethically, it is equally important to get the message to the public if a company wants to take advantage of ?doing well?.

1. Define what your company stands for and what values ??it places on the market. Public awareness of these values? Do they have a positive reaction to them?

2. Check the internal and external relations of the company. Do not they make sense and reflect the values ??of society? Public and the media frequently proclaim the guilt of the association. To search for new relationships with companies that meet ethical standards.

3. Understanding what the public expect from a company today. Are you ready to meet those expectations?

4. Check the location of assets, liabilities, and promises of brands, products, public sector and community initiatives.

5. Compare your public profile, in which private actions. Are in conflict?

6. Do not be shy about spreading the word through the media, employees and community.

Cause Related Marketing: Another way can pay under

There seems to be a surefire way to make the payment under Cause Related Marketing (CM). All things being equal, a large niche of consumers around the world (well, almost anywhere in the world) would rather do business with a company that stands for something beyond profits.

Because marketing is marketing that connects a company?s product for a particular cause or set of values ??in the hope that consumers who hold these values ??will be more inclined to buy the product as a means to support this cause. The point is to attract consumers who want to make a difference in society through their purchases.

It?s not about philanthropy in the traditional sense. Businesses have long contributed to a host of nonprofit organizations, but those gifts often go unnoticed by anyone but the recipients. True CM involves a high-level partnership between a company and cause. Donations for the sale of tape, or in some cases, those corporate profits.

Businesses worldwide not only want to write checks to charities. They want to be involved and the reasons are not always altruistic. Companies use to give to charity because they were hunted and philanthropy was looking for a tax deduction. Now when they give, they want something in return. When properly executed, CM sells products, enhances the image and motivates employees.


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