Saturday, May 11, 2013

Windows Phone Store growth slows, only at 145,000 apps

1. darkvadervip posted on 2 hours ago 2 1

All I need that is missing is a couple of bank apps and I would jump to wp8. What's taking so long!

14. RiseAgainst94 posted on 58 min ago 0 0

For Me:
No good free weather app whose live tiles actually update
No good sports app for all sports
Skype is a disaster in its current state, though I can't say much better about the program
Yelp is miserable
Twitter is OK
Facebook is not good (for any platform), the alternatives are OK
Instagram doesn't exist
Zynga's attempts have been below par

Prices are a little too high.

This is all for pre Windows 8, so take note that Windows 8 does have apps that 7.5/.8 do not.

20. pookiewood posted on 26 min ago 3 0

For Me:
No good free weather app whose live tiles actually update ---Bing Weather updates just fine
No good sports app for all sports ---I hate sports, NC
Skype is a disaster in its current state, though I can't say much better about the program ---Sure
Yelp is miserable ---NC
Twitter is OK ---I think the client really cool but it's your opinion
Facebook is not good (for any platform), the alternatives are OK ---I must be easy to please.
Instagram doesn't exist ---Looks fun, my wife has started using it. i'd liek to see it also.
Zynga's attempts have been below par ---I agree!!

Prices are a little too high. -- They aren't too bad. Coming from Android? Then i can see where you are coming from as they use ads everywhere and it's probably why we don't have Subway Surfer because right before you play the game they try to hit you with a "gotcha" ad.

16. akki20892 posted on 42 min ago 1 0

i guess microsoft getting apps slowely but they are checking apps first to see how quality apps are then they release on their marketplace, but we know great apps and games are coming.
and there are so many developers are woking on WP8 SDK so we will see good numbers soon.
Slow and steady.

2. xperiaDROID posted on 2 hours ago 10 5

145,000 apps? Not bad! The number sounds okay, it reached over 100,000!

Microsoft, keep it up, we need MORE!

6. tigermcm posted on 1 hour ago 5 0

I think its a great number, we don't need 20 of the same app

12. NexusKoolaid posted on 1 hour ago 0 0

In part, I disagree. On Android there are many todo list managers, but each has a slightly different workflow or feature set. I'd rather have a good selection to choose from so I can pick the best solution for my needs than be forced into someone else's idea of the way I should do things.

10. AngryAppleCustomer. posted on 1 hour ago 0 2

But Apple has like a million apps. Even android has more than 100,000.

13. RiseAgainst94 posted on 1 hour ago 0 0

They need to lower the prices of the ones they do have. I understand that by keeping prices high so they can give more to developers and try to lure them in to making Windows Phone apps, but eventually they're going to have to please the consumers too

3. N-fanboy posted on 2 hours ago 2 5

Its cool because android a litte more decent apps than WP. Speaking as a previous andoid user, 99% of the free apps in the play store are s**t. #fact

4. twcobra posted on 1 hour ago 1 0

It makes perfect sense if ports where driving the initial growth. But if Microsoft is smart and I am sure they know this. They need original development to compete with Apple and Android. Of course orininal development will be a lot slower so I am sure that is where Microsofts goals are. For phones I will most likely stay with Andoid for the time being but I have been looking closley at the Win8 Tablets. Especially the Pro versions.

9. Penny posted on 1 hour ago 0 0

I had the same thought as you, so I think you're right. They're probably in a phase where not as many people are porting over their apps to WP8 from other platforms because those who wanted to do so would mostly have done it by now. As a lot of the recent app development in WP8 has been with big names and native apps, it appears that we'll see a slowdown in number, but an increase in quality and native apps, especially from major players.

5. eness posted on 1 hour ago 9 0

its not about number its about useful apps numbers don't mean anything. good luck to windows users i hope you get all the apps you want. android fan here

11. HASHTAG posted on 1 hour ago 1 0

I agree. I'm sure Windows has all (or most) of the apps I need that I currently use on Android.

7. ZeroCide posted on 1 hour ago 2 0

Thats cool. Don't want all those Fart and Flashlight apps that are the bulk of other app stores.

24. boosook posted on 5 min ago 0 0

Flashlight apps:
Fart apps:
You're assuming that those 145.000 apps are all serious and useful... but the truth is that you have no clues to say that. You simply have 145.000 apps (while there are 800.000 on Google Play and 1.000.000 on the Apple Store), and among those 145.000 apps there ARE fart apps, flashlight apps and so on.
What's certain is that many serious apps and games are missing.

8. Muhannad posted on 1 hour ago 2 0

That number of apps still ain't too shabby for a relatively new OS compared to others. It's got almost all the essentials.

15. funnyguy posted on 48 min ago 0 2

What is this Windows Phone anyways?
Is not Sold in my Local Apple Store...

17. ZeroCide posted on 41 min ago 2 1

It seems like you need help. Get out of your Apple bubble. There is a real world out there that is not in the Apple store.

18. cyko969 posted on 33 min ago 1 1

funnyguy not so funny >_>

23. cyko969 posted on 9 min ago 0 0

not at all ... not sure how you got that from what i had said or from anyone else that posted before me previously

21. pookiewood posted on 24 min ago 1 0

The Sky isn't falling. MS is doing good. I only use a few key apps and the only one I'd love to see is Subway Surfer and more Cut the Rope.

22. cyko969 posted on 12 min ago 0 0

Still a good number... Rather not have our market flooded with apps that are s***


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