Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Your Best Friend The Autoresponder - American Dream

By Ian Gall

Most online marketers use an autoresponder as part of their armoury and it?s easy to see why because this clever automated assistant keeps you in touch with your prospects and customers on a 24/7 basis.

An autoresponder, as the name suggests, provides an automated sequence of emails that are sent when someone signs up for an email list or provides their email address to you in some way.

Autoresponders are useful in a number of ways but the following are the principal uses:-

1) Ensure you have a sign-up form on your landing page and a high quality offer to encourage prospects to submit their email address. Your autoresponder will then add their address to the list and send out your carefully prepared series of emails to the prospect.

2) Email courses can be programmed into the autoresponder to be sent at regular intervals predetermined by you.

3) Customers who require technical support can be sent an email automatically telling them that you have received their request and will repond as soon as possible.

4) One off broadcasts can be sent to your list informing them of new products or sale items for instance.

However, of all the uses of an autoresponder, the most important is the ability to keep in contact with your customers and potential customers.

There are free autoresponder services available but in business as in life you get what you pay for. Remember that a free service may not be able to handle the number of people on your list as it grows or indeed be able to do the things you want from it.

Even those that sign up voluntarily will seldom buy from you right away. This is where the autoresponder and a well constructed email series comes in.

So many online marketers fail to take advantage of the power of the autoresponder. The only follow ups they send are their ezine and perhaps some one off broadcasts.

By adding further follow up emails to your sequence, you can keep in touch with prospects and increase the chance of landing that all important first sale.

It?s possible over time to add 52 follow-ups to your series, one for each week. These would typically contain further information about a product you have on offer or even recommendations on affiliate products or services the prospect may find of interest.

Likewise, it?s possible, even desireable, to send follow up emails to those who have bought from you. Provided they are happy with the product and the whole buying experience has been a good one, these customers may well buy form you again.

Your autoresponder series can be set up to maximise this opportunity by sending thank you emails followed by help and advice to ensure that the customer gets the most from the product.

It?s essential that you optimise the use of your auto responder in your online business as it not only ensures you maintain good contact with your list but it also frees you up to do other more productive things.

Ian Gall has been involved in internet marketing for the past five years. His blog covers the full range of internet marketing topics together with other thought provoking and entertaining posts. Recent posts have covered Pinterest and forum marketing.


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