Oh and while you are at it do something about malpractice tort reform - the major cause of excessive medical costs.
No matter how thin you slice it...
Life Expectancy at Birth by Race and Sex, 1930---2010 [infoplease.com]
White Male, Born 1930, 58 Years
Black Male, Born 1930, 47 Years
White Male, Born 2010, 76 Years
Black Male, Born 2010, 72 Years
US Census Data
US Population 1930, 122,775,046
US Population 2010, 308,745,538
US Population 2020, 337 million (est.)
"In 2019, when the last of the baby boomers (those born between 1949 and 1964) have reached age 55, nearly twenty-nine percent of the total United States population will be age 55 and older." Source: Government Accountability Office, "Older Workers: Demographic Trends Post Challenges for Employers and Workers," 2001
The time isn't far off when we will have 100 million seniors to care for.
Then there is the problem of providing medical care to the poor of all ages. The politics
Source: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdotScience/~3/VAn4xJ56xow/story01.htm
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