Our company must create a culture and an environment that will encourage, support and invest in both the short term and long term development of our employees. As it is widely known, the individual employee professional development is an ongoing process that will ensure that the employees stay current if not steps ahead in their careers (field) and mission-critical competencies. However, the process of planning for the employee's continuous development ought to be in line with our company's mission, objectives, goals and needs as well as being linked to the individual employees work and career goals. One of the tools that our company plans to use in employees professional development is the personal development plan.
A personal development plan is a form where individual employees clearly state their career goals and therefore serves as a map that guides the employee in attaining his/her career goals by specifying his/her immediate and long run developmental needs. According to (Tamkin, and Barber) 2005, this is an employee driven action plan that will help the employee develop specific competencies i.e. knowledge and skills required for improvement of performance in their current positions while still preparing for new responsibilities.The Plan will involve an agreement between the employee and the supervisor regarding the skills and knowledge of acquisition based on the funds available so as to meet the employee and organizational goals .
Therefore, the personal development plan will serve as a toll for us to develop our employees to meet our future organizational needs. Generally, the personal development plan will help individual employees in identifying their career development goals and the relevant strategies required in achieving the goals. The plan will be completed on an annual basis and will be intended to; -encourage individual employees take control (ownership of their career development -provide an administrative strategy necessary for identifying and tracking developmental needs and plans -assist in planning for the organization's training and development requirements. How the use of personal development plans will influence individual growth through knowledge and skills acquisition Peter (2001) asserts that the Use of Personal development plans will influence individual growth through knowledge and skills acquisition through encouraging self reflection by individual employees.
Just like in a business plan, personal development plans start by assessing an employee current standing in his/her career. In so doing, the employee reflects on his/her skills, experience, knowledge and his/her personal attributes. In so doing, the employee considers the responsibilities they accomplish well in their career vis-?-vis what they do not accomplish as per the required standards. The plan also helps the employee in reflecting what would make he/she perform more effectively. This kind of reflection is crucial as it helps the employee realize the skills and knowledge that he/she requires for effective performance and therefore take the necessary steps geared towards acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for effective career performance. This results in personal awareness as well as career development.
Furthermore, self reflection will help the employee in making decisions regarding the acquisition of knowledge and skills required in his career. This is because personal development plans enables employees to be clear on their career priorities, the kind of experience that they need to acquire and knowledge as well as skills and attributes which they need to acquire. The use of employee personal development plans will lead to the creation of a win-win situation both to the company and its workforce. The employees will gain from acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for good performance while the company will benefit from having well managed, trained and motivated workforce.
This is because the plan will help the employees in identifying their goals and ambitions while also permitting the company to guide the employees in realistically assessing their skills, knowledge, and understanding and overall career competence. This results in frank and open discussions regarding where an individual career path is headed to. The plan will enable individual employees identify their strengths as well as weaknesses, ambitions and aspirations. When this is achieved, the use of the personal development plan will facilitate in updating the employee skills necessary in meeting the needs of a changing corporate environment. This will in turn help the company to retain talented and flexible staff vital in the present world competitive environment. In other words, employees will benefit since the implementation of the personal development plans will improve their knowledge, skills as well as experiences.
The improvement on the other hand will facilitate them in achieving personal and career goals both inside and outside our organization. Introduction of personal development plans will enable the employees in taking control of their own career development process. As such, the employees will be able to set realizable career goals and channel their efforts towards achieving the goals. The achievement of these goals will require the acquisition of the relevant skills and knowledge. Therefore, the employee will be able to identify any skills deficit and communicate this to the relevant authority so that the authority can organize for the skills acquisition.
At times, employees also seek alternative means of skills acquisition apart from the ones provided by the company such as attending seminars or enrolling for a course in a college. All these efforts are geared towards the attainment of skills and knowledge necessary for the achievement of individual employee's career goals. Without a properly designed personal development plans, employees will most likely not realize any skills deficit and therefore they may not make any effort to acquire knowledge and skills. Personal development plans tremendously assist the employees and their supervisor in clarifying things that are considered crucial for them and come up with a plan on how to achieve them. In the plans are found the employee's career objectives, the knowledge requirements as well as the skills and abilities which are relevant in the achievement of personal career goals and objectives. Furthermore, these plans will also outline the activities which will provide our employees the opportunity and the chance to learn as well as apply the relevant skills and knowledge. In so doing, the personal development plans will significantly influence the acquisition of knowledge and skills within the organization. Use of personal development plans will also influence individual growth through knowledge and skills acquisition since it will describe the competencies which the employees will apply and enhance as well as how the development will occur.
According to John, the areas to be covered will include; The personal development plans will describe the various responsibility areas that each employee is assigned as stated in his/her job description. This will also include the competencies necessary for the performance of the responsibility. As such, the employee will be aware of the skills and knowledge necessary for his/her job description and therefore seek to attain them. The organization will also seek to help the employee in bridging any gaps that exist between knowledge and skills they presently posses and the skills and knowledge that is actually required for the efficient performance of their responsibilities. Thus, the personal development plans will serve as an important tool in skills and knowledge acquisition. No employee would want to remain stagnant in his /her career. Every employee usually has specific career goals that detail where he/she would want to be in his/her career after a certain period of working.
Career development on the other hand must be accompanied by acquisition of the relevant skills and knowledge. Personal development plans contain two key aspects necessary in influencing skills and growth acquisition. First, they help individual employees in deciding what skills and activities as well as areas they should focus on in the short run. Secondly, personal development plans enable the individual employees in getting clarity on where they would want to take their career in the future. As such, Personal development plan will help the employees in identifying the development activities that will enable them achieve career growth. The plan will also identify the skills and knowledge necessary for ensuring continued career growth. Therefore, both the employee and the organization will strive to ensure that the employee acquire the skills and knowledge.
The personal development plans will also help in setting up realistic start dates, end dates and such other milestones for each activity that the employee is expected(expects ) to accomplish. As such, both the employee and the organization will strive to ensure that deadlines are met. This will be done by ensuring the acquisition of the necessary resources as well as skills and knowledge. As such the employee will be able to document proficiency with regard to the skills, knowledge and ability obtained by the time the deadline for the accomplishment of the activity is reached.
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Source: http://articles.submityourarticle.com/personal-development-plans-308025
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