When we think of the great speaking voices, those that come to mind are the likes of Vin Diesel, Kathleen Turner, James Earl Jones, Cher, Sean Connery, Morgan Freeman, Demi Moore, Barry White, and John Rhys-Davies.
What distinguishes these particular voices from those of many other great actors, is that they captivate you because of the depth, the resonance, and the true beauty of their sound.
You possess a richer, warmer, deeper voice but are most likely unaware of how to find what I refer to as your ?real? voice. I am confident that your first thought at this point is that you are already speaking with your ?real? voice. No, you are presently speaking with your habitual voice. And, there can be an enormous difference between the two.
When I was in graduate school, studying music composition, my singing professor showed me where my ?real? voice was; and, from that day on, I consistently worked at using my lower, richer sound. To hear the difference between my ?real? voice and my habitual voice was like night and day. I thank God for that particular class, that particular professor, and that particular day because it changed the entire direction of my life.
1. In order to find your ?real? voice, you will need to learn to breathe with the support of your diaphragm because all of those with the great voices use their chest cavity as their primary sounding board. Most of the population, however, is not doing that. Lazy or shallow breathing, which is typical of 99% of the population, does not allow for the chest to be used as a resonator because the air is only filling the upper portion of the chest. In addition, this lazy or shallow breathing actually increases your stress and also raises the pitch of your speaking voice.
By breathing with the support of your diaphragm, you are then able to use your entire chest cavity to power or amplify your voice thereby reducing the wear and tear on your vocal folds (cords).
2. Once you have learned this basic principle of breathing with support, you then need to find your optimum pitch (pitch refers to the highness or lowness of sound; volume, on the other hand, refers to the loudness or softness of sound). You will know that you have ?hit the spot? if you feel vibrations in your chest when you are talking (not in your neck area ? every one vibrates there!).
While your optimum pitch is as individual to you as are your fingerprints, the beauty of being able speak within your optimum range is that your voice will take on a warmth, a depth and a resonance that was previously not there.
Imagine standing at the lectern or walking into a room and captivating the attention of the group just by the sound of your voice. Can it happen to you? Absolutely. You would be surprised at how many great voices are just waiting to be found.
Learn to breathe; find your optimum pitch; and, you may be the next James Earl Jones or Kathleen Turner!
The Voice Lady, Nancy Daniels, offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It! the only video training on voice improvement. If you would like to see a dramatic ?before & after? clip, visit Voice Training Website and check out Craig?s video.
Tags: ?real? voice, great voices, enormous difference, primary sounding board, great speaking voices, Entertainment Culture, Vocal foldsSource: http://wordywriting.com/discover-how-to-have-a-deeper-richer-speaking-voice/
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