Friday, March 30, 2012

Total Recall: Sequels to Remakes

King S. on 03-29-2012 04:55 AM

Okay, as many have pointed out Batman Begins is not a remake. Remakes take the original story and retell it again. Even if it is changed drastically it still has the same basic premises. Batman Begins had nothing in common with Batman (1989) other than having Batman. It's better to consider it as a different adaptation of the same source material. I mean, as others have pointed out, why not include Two Towers and Return of the King, since LOTR has been done before Jackson. In fact why not include Batman Returns since Batman (1989) wasn't the first Batman movie (The Adam West version preceeded it by over 20 years).

However, I suppose it is interesting to include The Dark Knight with all these horror remakes, as TDK managed to avoid the pitfall nearly all these remakes/sequels to remakes fell into - not giving its villain an origin. I never understood why these horror remakes feel the need to give their villains origins. I mean, okay a villain who is conflicted like Darth Vader or Two-Face might be benefited from an origin, but someone like Michael Myers? He's not supposed to be conflicted or complex. Giving him an origin and trying to explain why he's doing all this just hurts the character. We're not supposed to pity him or sympathize with him, he's supposed to be feared.

That's what I loved about The Dark Knight. It reversed what the original series did and gave Two-Face an origin, while it went out of its way to make sure we knew nothing about The Joker. No name, no history, heck even the nature of his scars remained a mystery. He was simply a guy who wanted to watch the world burn, so giving him an origin would have just lessened our fear of him, while adding nothing to his character, since there wasn't any logical reason as to why he was doing all this.


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